本訊息有效時間:2013-11-21 到 2014-02-19
職務類別 | 社群媒體行銷/網路行銷 |
職務名稱(薪資) | Field Application Engineer (薪資&年薪可到:40000~... |
公司名稱 | 訊真科技股份有限公司 (外商) |
網址/網站 | 訊真科技股份有限公司 (外商)網址/網站 |
工作或公司地點 | 台北市大安區和平東路二段339號6樓 |
工作內容/職務描述 | 公司簡介你是否在尋找讓你得以實現腦袋裡的天馬行空的工作空間? 你現在的工作遇到coding瓶頸卻求助無門嗎? 你擔心下一份工作讓自己的技術裹足不前嗎?訊真科技是一家美商軟體公司,提供通訊電信業者最專精的加值服務軟體開發方案。我們在台灣的規模不大,但這幾十人之中,沒有複雜的公司制度,也沒有沈重的人事包袱,有的不過就是都愛寫程式,都愛分享技術的熱忱。訊真科技著重的技術包括:JAVA, JSP, Struts, J2EE, Hibernet, Erlang, Angular, Jersey, Bootstrap, jQuery, Linux...。如果考慮轉職的你只懂上述技術的一部分,我們仍然歡迎你來與我們談談。如果剛畢業的你什麼都不懂,但Computer Science底子扎實,我們會培養你。藉由專案的磨練,產品的開發,你絕對有機會在最短的時間內累積大型系統架構的技術與經驗。如果你是受夠了只把Java寫在小application上的熱血青年,歡迎你與我們一同以Java創造更多可能! 你問我公司文化是什麼?我會說:work smart and play hard!! 這是什麼意思?來了就知道! TrueTel Technologies is an international start-up company with headquarters in Silicon Valley, USA and an R&D center in Taipei. We specialize in building the next generation platform to deliver applications and services of converged communications services. Our expertises include IP Telephony, AIN/IN, VoIP, WAP, and OSS. We are familiar with standards and APIs including SS7, H.323, SIP, MGCP, JTAPI, PARLAY, and JAIN. Our software technologies are based on state-of-the-art distributed object oriented environment such as Enterprise Java Beans and CORBA. We target carrier-grade communications services providers as our customers and will explore the revolutionary IP communications market in the global space. We don\'t just offer jobs; we offer an opportunity that you cannot afford to miss. 工作內容1. Work with client and server teams to provide updates on integration and dependency issues.2. Frequently communicate with US based client and generate progress reports. 3. Perform trouble shooting and basic de-bug issue, support 7x24 requests from clients. |
應徵資訊 |
Mandatory Skills Preferred Skills |
本訊息有效時間:2013-11-21 到 2014-02-19