本訊息有效時間:2013-12-27 到 2014-03-27
職務類別 | 社群媒體行銷/網路行銷 |
職務名稱 | PM助理 |
公司名稱 | 葳騰科技股份有限公司 |
網址/網站 | 葳騰科技股份有限公司網址/網站 |
工作或公司地點 | 台北市內湖區(西湖捷運站旁) |
工作內容/職務描述 | About us:
Maxwave Holding Limited is the affiliate company of BQOOL, focus on selling a wide range of product lines including smartphone, tablet, camera, computer, laptop and electronic accessories in North America market. We have three distinguished brands – EZOPower, Evecase, and iKross, and we are aggressively expanding more product lines and developing our worldwide brand image. With offices in the US, China and Taiwan, we are currently hiring new positions to join the Product Management team in Taipei office. Maxwave Holding Limited為台灣BQOOL的關係企業,專注於外銷消費性電子產品周邊配件,產品線包括手機、平板、相機、電腦及電子3C相關配件。我們擁有三個優良的品牌,包括EZOPower,Evecase和iKross,且在美國、大陸、香港及台灣均設有辦事處。目前我們正在積極拓展新產品線和發展我們的品牌形象,歡迎您加入我們台灣的產品管理團隊 Job Description: 1.Prepare Sales and Product related documents 2.Collect marketing information and competitor review 3.Review and report on performance indicators 4.Work with cross functional team to execute sales plan and achieve annual target 1. 蒐集產業新聞,競爭者分析及產品趨勢調查 2. 維護內部銷售紀錄及報告 3. 維護產品相關行銷文件及技術手冊 4. 其他主管交辦事項 Conditions: 1.Fluency in reading and written English & Chinese 2.Self motivated, well organized and detail oriented 3.Good experience in marketing research is preferred 4.Knowledge of smartphone, tablet, and electronic accessories is a plus 1. 具英文閱讀能力 2. 主動細心具分析能力 3. 熟電腦操作 4. 對網路行銷有興趣 5. 熟悉消費性電子產品行業,或對電子商務市場有相關經驗者為佳 |
應徵資訊 |
Please email to [email protected] |
本訊息有效時間:2013-12-27 到 2014-03-27