本訊息有效時間:2014-10-07 到 2014-12-10
職務名稱(薪資)Senior Buyer & Merchandiser (薪資&年薪可到:35000~...
工作內容/職務描述Are you someone that has worked as a Buyer or Merchandiser for a Retail business? Do you lie awake at night wondering why your customers love a certain product, but not another? Do you love spending time researching and thoroughly understanding a marketplace?

If you answered with a resounding yes, then we'd love to interview you! 

We're, an online baby boutique in Taiwan that is about to catapult to the front of this niche industry. Our focus on serving the best shopping experience for new parents, is about to get alot more focused this December!

***I invite you to watch this video of our founder, who speaks to you about this open role:  ***

Job Responsibilities:
  • Understand customer's ever-changing demands, and be able to quickly re-merchandise any given category to ensure Mamaky is meeting those demands
  • Experiment with price discounts to find optimal price range
  • Work hand-in-hand with our Marketer to plan promotions, to create meaningful "Collections" that keeps our site fresh, and to devise campaigns that generate awareness to high-potential products.
  • Manage relationship with all our distributors and vendors. Negotiate terms of contract.
  • Find and introduce new products and brands to our customers.
  • Keep close to market trends, which may include you going to exhibitions, going to retail stores, reading mommy blogs, and participating in online parent communities.
  • Become obsessed with the key metrics to stay aware of customer needs, to maximize profits within each product category, and to know when to expand or contract our range of merchandise for a particular product category
  • Produce monthly and quarterly P&Ls for each product category
  • Manage stock levels so that items, especially popular items, are never out-of-stock

Email [email protected]

本訊息有效時間:2014-10-07 到 2014-12-10
    創作者 softjob 的頭像


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