職務名稱 | Front-End Engineer |
公司名稱 | 臺灣金融科技股份有限公司 |
網址/網站 | |
工作資歷 | Front-End Engineer |
工作資歷 | 薪資待遇 50000 到... |
工作或公司地點 | 台北市內湖區瑞光路513巷22弄5號8樓之1 |
工作內容/職務描述 | Objective of Fusions360 is to develop a Financial Innovation Technology (FIT) Platform and a Global FinTech Innovation Ecosystem to address the unfulfilled financial needs of individuals and Small &Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and to support innovators in startups and financial institutions to overcome the obstacles in creating high value FinTech services. Our business includes: 1. Developing an Open Financial Innovation Technology (FIT) Platform and associated enabling services: A. Platform as a Service 2. Establish an Open, Global FinTech Innovation Ecosystem (FIE) of innovators (startups, financial institutes, VCs, mentors, governments, data providers, etc.) who can leverage FIT Platform and Services as well as each others’ resources for joint success. A. Data as a Service B. Analytic as a Service C. Business Process as a Service Responsibilities 1. Communicate and collaborate with other teams to meet business goal 2. Plan, design, develop, and test highly interactive and efficient web applications to meet product roadmap and plans Desired Skills 1. User Experience 2. Visual design, interactive design, and data visualization 3. HTML5, CSS and frameworks like Bootstrap, Foundation, etc. 4. Javascript and frameworks like AngularJS, ReactJS, etc. 5. REST API and Auth. API (OAuth, OpenID Connect, etc.) integrations 6. Testing frameworks like Mocha, QUnit, etc. 7. Git for source code version control 8. Good at learning 9. Excellent documentation skill 10. Excellent communication and interpersonal skills Optional Skills 1. Computer graphic design and creation |
技能 | 不拘 |
其它條件 | 未填寫 |
語言條件 | 英文 -- 聽 /略懂、說 /略懂、讀 /略懂、寫 /略懂 中文 -- 聽 /中等、說 /中等、讀 /中等、寫 /中等 |
公司福利 | 激爽福利: 1. 吃完就補的免費零食 2. 舒適的開放工作空間 3. 每月免費參加Fintecher's Chat創新小聚,吸收最新最尖端資訊,持續學習 4. 每年保障薪資 13.5 個月 5. 免費停車位(名額有限,先搶先贏) 6. 接受各種意見的扁平工作文化 7. 彈性工時、免打卡 8. 休假無上限:責任制與「無限制假期」的休假政策 ◆分紅 / 配股 1.員工配股 2.員工認股 ◆ 獎金 / 禮品類 1.年終獎金 2.三節禮金/禮品 ◆ 保險類 1.員工團保 2.眷屬團保 3.意外險 ◆ 休閒類 1.國內旅遊 2.慶生會 ◆ 制度類 1.伙食費 2.績效獎金 3.完整的教育訓練 ◆ 請 / 休假制度 1. 休假無上限:責任制與「無限制假期」的休假政策 ◆ 其他 1.健康檢查 ◆ 補助類 1.結婚禮金 2.生育津貼 3.旅遊補助 |