本訊息有效時間:2014-05-06 到 2014-12-31
職務名稱Mobile Developer行動裝置應用工程師
公司名稱Asia Fusion Technology
網址/網站Asia Fusion Technology網址/網站
工作內容/職務描述*主要負責使用Objective C開發設計iPad/iPhone應用,使用Xcode開發設計Mac OS/X應用。若具備HTML5/CSS3及相關Javascript技術,除了iPad/iPhone應用的開發外,亦可參與Android Java應用的開發。
*視需求使用如MySQL Workbence5+之資料建模工具來設計及呈現資料結構。

*Primary Responsibility will be programming iPad/iPhone applications using Objective C and Xcode on a Mac OS/X. Optionally code iPad/iPhone applications using HTML5/CSS3 and related Javascript, etc. And if you have the skills, also program Android Java applications.
*Read user requirement documents and recommend improvements to them, prior to being presented to a client.
*If necessary, write technical specifications as they pertain to the technical implementation of tablet/smart phone projects, based on functional specifications. This may on occasion be provided to an outsourced programmer.
*When requested, design and present database schema visually using a database modeling tool such as MySQL Workbench 5+.
*If an application requires a database, design and implement the database.
*Add new features and also modify and support existing code and databases.
*Work with PHP/MySQL developers when the iPad/iPhone/Android app will communicate or share/sync data with a Web server.
*If a Tablet/Smart Phone application will be outsourced to a development vendor, supervise the development aspects for that vendor. Conduct code walk-throughs to ensure vendor is utilizing good coding and commenting techniques.
*Follow coding standards defined by AFT's coding guideline.
*Meet aggressive deadlines, even if requiring extended work hours.

其他條件:*理想情況下,至少須具備1年以上使用Objective C/Xcode及SQLited開發iPad/iPhone應用的經驗。我們也會考慮聘請具備Android應用開發經驗的Java工程師,來和Objective C/Xcode的工程師做技術交換訓練。
*了解如何創建standards-based (W3C validated) XHTML 1.#, HTML5, CSS2/CSS3。
*對於使用Mac/OS X作為工作平台沒有問題。

*C# .NET工程師將被優先考慮。
*具備CSS, XHTML, PHP, MySQL, the PHP Smarty template system, SQL資料庫及Oracle資料庫的程式能力。
*MoSync (HTML5/CSS3/Javascript/C/C++)
*Sencha (HTML5/CSS3/Javascript)
*WidgetPad (HTML5/CSS3/Javascript)
*WorkLight (HTML5/CSS3/Javascript/Objective C)
*Appcelerator's Titanium Mobile (用於更廣泛的兼容性,但較少的手機用戶界面控制權)
*RhoMobile (Ruby/Rails)
*MonoTouch (ASP.net/C# based)

Please provide your resume to [email protected] , or apply for the position http://goo.gl/71GD2E.

本訊息有效時間:2014-05-06 到 2014-12-31

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