本訊息有效時間:2014-11-12 到 2015-02-10
職務類別 | 前端工程師 |
職務名稱(薪資 & 年薪可到) | Data Engineer / Data Curator 資料工程師 (薪資&年薪可到:50000~... |
公司名稱 | MacroData, Inc. |
網址/網站 | MacroData, Inc.網址/網站 |
工作或公司地點 | Taipei |
工作內容/職務描述 |
MacroData是成立於2014年2月的新創團隊,在矽谷有市場開發部門、台北為主要研發中心。MacroData團隊專注於提供Big Data即時運算的分析引擎,BigObject,能比傳統的資料庫技術快上百倍到千倍,我們與美國舊金山灣區的平台業者合作,即將在其雲端平台上提供Big Data Real-time Analytics的服務。
在此同時我們邀請對分析資料有熱情、且嚮往Start-up氛圍的你加入我們,幫助客戶如何挖掘出資料背後的意義、如何用資料說故事。歡迎對Data Science, Data Analytics, Big Data與Machine Learning的你加入我們的團隊。
• Collect and cleanse data algorithmically from public sources (daily practices)
• Research domain-specific data standards in a variety of subjects if needed (eg. Weather, geographic, financial data, at global scale)
• Apply data generation software and scripts.
• Provide feedback and direction for data acquisition and scrubbing.
The Ideal Candidate Would Be:
• Eager to learn new tools and skills related to data and analysis.
• Able to propose
out-of-the-box strategies based on insights about data.
• Enthusiastic to
get hands dirty while harnessing data from multiple sources
• Keen to tell the stories behind numbers and figures
Desired Skillset:
• Excellent web research skills.
• Knowledge in multiple languages. (Preferred: javascript, python, Ruby on Rails, SQL)
• Experience with data curation is a plus.
• Familiarity with Linux commands.
應徵資訊 |
Apply Information Please send your CV to [email protected]
with the subject of "Application for Data Engineer " |
本訊息有效時間:2014-11-12 到 2015-02-10