職務名稱 | Android Developer |
公司名稱 | Deepblu_九星資訊有限公司 |
網址/網站 | |
工作資歷 | Android Developer |
工作資歷 | 薪資待遇 40000 到... |
工作或公司地點 | 台北市信義區基隆路1段420號4樓 |
工作內容/職務描述 | Android Developer 如公司介紹所述,我們是一個成長快速的新創公司,專注於專業潛水產品開發及社群平台經營。 我們是一群熱愛潛水及戶外活動並具有高度專業能力的一群人,團對近30人並且來自世界各地。歡迎有冒險精神且能獨立作業的工作夥伴,一起來加入並且接受有趣的挑戰。 Android團隊將會緊密的與後台、U.I.及Q.A.等團隊配合,溝通只要以中文及英文為主,負責的工作內容如下。 A. 職務內容 ● 配合硬體、後台、及設計文件開發高品質的Android APP,並且可高度管理及移轉。 ● 與QA team定期做使用者回饋檢討,發布更新。 ● 良好的團隊合作及溝通,並完整清晰之記錄。 ● 自我管理能力。 B. 技能需求 ● 至少具一年以上除了學術及補習班之開發經驗,並且對於更新技術有定期追蹤。 ● 對於Android之使用者及市場有完整的瞭解及認知。 ● 具備使用Android SDK開發BLE裝置連線傳輸的能力。 ● 熟悉手勢辨識控制,View Animation, SQLite, GCM, Location Service, Google API. ● 與外部物件檔或A.P.I.整合。 ● 瞭解Git操作,版本控制等(Bitbucket),與多人共同開發專案,了解branch、merge與解決衝突的流程。 C. 加分項目: ● 具潛水執照及經驗(等級不限)。 1. DeepBlus's RD team is responsible for developing and maintaining all the software products including web platform and apps. As an Android developer, you are expected to be an enthusiastic individual who has passionate to solve problems. The Android developer will work closely with the design team, plan team and cloud team to develop the amazing Android App. You also need to thrive in an English and Mandarin speaking environment with people of various backgrounds. A. Responsibilities: ● Develop high quality Android App. ● Work with design team and plan team to create system specifications. ● Work on bug fixing and improving application performance. ● Good teamwork and communication skills; ability to provide clear documentation. B. Requirements: ● At least -year software development experience with object oriented or functional languages, including at least 2 years in Android app development. ● Good understanding of user experience on mobile devices. ● Knowing how to communicate Bluetooth Device with Android SDK. ● Familiar with Gesture Recognition, View Animation, SQLite, GCM, Location Service, Google API. ● Work with outside data sources and API's. ● Experience with Git, including understanding of branching and merging workflows. C. Preferred qualifications: ● With Dive Certification would be a plus. |
技能 | 不拘 |
其它條件 | 未填寫 |
語言條件 | 不拘 |
公司福利 | 我們的福利制度。 該有的不會少:勞健保與週休二日等。 不過勞、不硬性加班,週一難早起,連假早點走,相當彈性。 經營狀況好,什麼都有可能。 |