職務名稱 | 後端工程師 Backend Developer |
公司名稱 | 薩摩亞商萬語科技股份有限公司台灣分公司 |
網址/網站 | |
工作資歷 | 後端工程師 Backend Developer |
工作資歷 | 薪資待遇 72000 到... |
工作或公司地點 | 台北市大安區 |
工作內容/職務描述 | 我們正在快速成長,歡迎熱愛挑戰、喜歡語言、喜歡動腦、有獨立思考能力、有良好團隊合作及溝通能力的人才加入我們,共同參與討論、參與開發產品和 From Zero to One 的過程!絕對讓你可以快速升級! [ 主要工作內容 ] 1. 電子商務網站維護及更新 2. Javascript 技能: - Node - React - Express - Babel & ES6 - jQuery, lodash & other common libraries - Build systems (gulp, webpack, etc.) 3. - HTML5 - CSS3 / SASS / SCSS [ 希望你的特質是 ] 1. 高度專注、獨立 2. 良好的溝通能力 3. 團隊主要使用英文和中文為溝通語言,至少要能看得懂英文 4. 喜歡嘗試、喜歡思考解決方案 5. 有想法 No professional experience required. However, you must be able to demonstrate competence in the qualifications listed below during the interview, or through previous work (for example, a Github repo). We are looking for someone who is competent in full stack development, and who is able to work with a team to design and implement: 1. High quality, standards-compliant, responsive web pages 2. Node.js server side applications, including web servers, JSON APIs, and database / ORM modeling. The primary project is an online shopping platform, complete with custom sales and marketing features, user accounts, a blogging platform, 3rd party integrations, and a React-based CMS for complete site management. Future projects will include more extensive react app development for the web, and react-native app development both Android and iOS. Qualifications -------------- 0. (Required) Able to read English developer documentation - Team communication in Chinese is OK 1. (Required) Javascript skills: - Node - React - Express - Babel & ES6 - jQuery, lodash & other common libraries - Build systems (gulp, webpack, etc.) 2. (Required) Web development skills: - HTML5 - CSS3 / SASS / SCSS 3. (Preferred) Marketing-related development skills: - Sales funnels - Analytics - Onboarding - Landing page design - Implementing 3rd party SaaS/PaaS APIs 4. (Optional) Other: - PostgreSQL - Python - Unix (edited) |
技能 | 不拘 |
其它條件 | 未填寫 |
語言條件 | 不拘 |
公司福利 | ◆ 保險類 1.勞保 2.健保 ◆ 休閒類 1.部門聚餐 ◆ 請 / 休假制度 1.週休二日 2.特休/年假 3.女性同仁生理假 ◆ 制度類 1.績效獎金 |