訊息建立於:2008-07-23 13:53
微軟全球技術支援中心徵才,尋找熟C/C++/Assembly的高手加入我們的團隊。以下是夢幻中的高手技術功力,最重要的就是前兩項基本功,其他Windows API & debugging相關技能是加分題。

這不是產品開發的部門,負責的是找出問題來源,解決客戶的問題。歡迎有為青年加入我們的行列。履歷請寄到 : 請到『來源網址』查看。感謝。

. Master C/C++ knowledge, such as virtual function, pointer usage. Code review with suggestions on fix.
‧ Master assembly knowledge. Can match the optimized assembly code to source code even if the symbol is incorrect.

‧ Understand Windows memory management, including CRT, heap, virtual memory and their relationships. Can find the virtual memory\'s status (commit, reserve, free) in debugger.
‧ Understand thread and process and the corresponding concepts, such as TLS, PEB.
‧ Understand synchronization primitives, including critical section, event and etc. Understand how to debug deadlock & hang, and how to check critical section in debugger.
‧ Understand common Windows APIs (APIs that are not product specific) and their functionalities. Example: Heap APIs, Virtual Memory APIs, TLS, etc.
‧ Understand stack checking. Can find stack range. Can find and verify the parameter/local variables from the stack and show the procedure/logics for stack debugging techniques. Understand EBP chain, and FPO concept. Can walk a stack manually.
‧ Understand heap debugging and pageheap.
‧ Can debug common scenarios: heap corruption, stack corruption, busy hang & idle hang.
‧ Make reasonable assumption from the symptom and verifying the assumption logically.

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