本訊息有效時間:2014-04-07 到 2014-07-06
職務類別 | 前端工程師 |
職務名稱 | Cloud Application Engineer/雲端應用工程師 |
公司名稱 | 遠景科技有限公司 Exosite |
網址/網站 | 遠景科技有限公司 Exosite網址/網站 |
工作或公司地點 | 台中市北屯區 |
工作內容/職務描述 | Exosite is based in Minneapolis, Minnesota USA with an R&D center in Taichung, Taiwan to utilize Taiwan's competency in providing world-class hardware and software solutions.
PRIMARY JOB OBJECTIVE: Develop Lua scripts to pre-process and post-process data from incoming device data. Work on a number of exciting projects in the booming IoT space. CANDIDATE PROFILE: ● 2+ years experience with developing Lua scripts ● A passion for software development ● Ability to meet deliverable deadlines ● Comfortable working in a Linux environment ● Familiarity with source control and process tools ● Can follow process to ensure that releases are tested and ready for a production environment ● Able to read/write/listen in English. Speaking ability a plus ● System design or technical lead ability a plus THINGS YOU WILL BE WORKING ON: ● Create and modify existing Lua scripts to: ○ calculate incoming user and device data (averages, watt/hour...more) ○ generate reports based on stored data ○ interact with internal and external services via HTTP POST ○ handle and convert incoming data to play nicely with our services ● Optimize Lua scripts to make sure it meets size and performance requirements 關於我們: 遠景總公司位於美國明尼蘇達州的明尼阿波里斯市,研發中心設於台灣台中,以各取其優勢來提供世界級之軟、硬體的解決方案 職務說明: 利用Lua scripts 來先後處理資訊,從事前景看好的物聯網平台相關企劃 基本條件: 兩年以上Lua scripts相關操作經驗 對軟體開發有所熱忱 能按時交案 了解 Linux 工作環境 熟悉版本控制及製程管理工具 能根據流程確保每次更新皆充分測試並能在正式上線時使用 有讀、寫、聽之英文能力。英文口說能力尤佳。 具有系統設計及技術領導能力尤佳 職務說明: 創建並修正Lua scripts從事於 計算訪客及裝置資料流量(averages, watt/hour...more) 利用現有的數據建置報告 藉由HTTP POST與內部及外部互動 處理並傳達訊息使其符合我們的技術服務 有效地管理Lua scripts使其符合要求 |
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本訊息有效時間:2014-04-07 到 2014-07-06