本訊息有效時間:2014-04-14 到 2014-07-13
職務類別 | 社群媒體行銷/網路行銷 |
職務名稱(薪資) | 網站編輯企劃 (薪資&年薪可到:40000~... |
公司名稱 | Mamaky親子購物網 |
網址/網站 | Mamaky親子購物網網址/網站 |
工作或公司地點 | 台北市,內湖區 |
工作內容/職務描述 | 1. 協助整合網站視覺、影音和文字的議題和內容
2. 開發和包裝議題,能自行發稿或整合外部資源,建立委外寫手或者部落客資料庫。 3. 經營多方社群平台和網站議題、內容專欄、發想企劃 4. 對台灣、亞洲和美國的流行文化、時尚、科技、新聞或親子議題多有涉略和有興趣。 5. 找出網站和內容主要的閱聽眾,描繪群中的樣貌。 6. 針對網站使用者製作系列網站議題和內容。 7. 經驗粉絲團有經驗,並發展一套專屬的內容經營方式。 8. 在雜誌編輯或是電子商務領域有超過四年以上的經驗。 9. 對SEO有概念,並知道如何優化網站內容。 10.組織邏輯清晰,可提昇內容品質。 11.可適應團隊合作,並同時可以獨立作業。 12. 有效審稿確定完整傳達議題和主題。 13.願意學習其他影片、影音等內容製作或媒體平台的運作。 ---------------------------------------------------------- Specific responsibilities and skills: 1.Will build and manage a network of talented freelance writers. 2.Will identify, and thoroughly understand our Target Audience. Must think about who they are, what they aspire to be, who they admire, what they care about, what music they like, etc. We want to create a style and voice that connects with our readers. 3.Is always interested and aware of current pop culture, news, technology, fashion, and parenting lifestyle throughout Taiwan, Asia, and USA. 4.Must be quick on his/her feet with a real talent for generating and finding fresh, engaging content each week, and finding the appropriate way to package the story for Mamaky Target Audience. 5.Must be experienced producing content for Facebook Page, and find the particular voice and content type for our Facebook page. 6.Has a minimum of 4 years experience writing and editing for magazines (online and print) or for highly trafficked B2C websites. 7.Must have strong knowledge of SEO, and have experience optimizing content for SEO. 8.Must be highly organized and a very clean line editor who can help elevate copy. 9.Must be team-oriented, responsive, and comfortable collaborating, but also able to work independently. 10.Will review and top edit stories to ensure they are well written, on-brand, and logically structured. 11.Must be flexible and eager to learn new content mediums, including video and shopping catalogs. |
應徵資訊 |
煩請將您的履歷、自傳或者相關作品集寄至:[email protected]
,黃小姐 |
本訊息有效時間:2014-04-14 到 2014-07-13