本訊息有效時間:2014-12-02 到 2015-03-02
職務類別 | 行動應用程式設計師 |
職務名稱(薪資) | Android application developer (薪資&年薪可到:... |
公司名稱 | 睿颖弘大科技股份有限公司 |
工作或公司地點 | 台北市新店区 |
工作內容/職務描述 | IoT (Internet of Thing) and wearable devices are super hot and emerging topics now. However, rare device on the market is strongly linked with application along with a good business model. We grabbed the great opportunity for startup. The team we had already covers HW, Driver, on-line/off-line sales channel, business development. Here, we would like to look for individuals or team who can work with us regarding to the SW development and UX design. The JD are as follows: 1. Android application developer: - Strong experience on Android application development. - BLE/Wifi data exchange. - Server/Client application architecture. - Community application development experience. - Interface/exchange to social network. |
應徵資訊 |
职缺联络人: Brian Lee |
本訊息有效時間:2014-12-02 到 2015-03-02