訊息建立於:2010-07-12 23:49
Framework x 4

The purpose of this job is to design, develop and support the framework components for horizontal integration with other components of the product.

1. Document design specifications, installation instructions, and other system-related information.
2. Verify stability, interoperability, portability, security, or scalability of system architecture.
3. Collaborate with engineers or software developers to select appropriate design solutions or ensure the compatibility of system components.
4. Evaluate current or emerging technologies to consider factors such as cost, portability, compatibility, or usability.
5. Provide technical guidance or support for the development or troubleshooting of systems.
6. Identify system data, hardware, or software components required to meet user needs.
7. Provide guidelines for implementing secure systems to external customers or internal deployment teams.
8. Monitor system operation to detect potential problems.
9. Assist in High Level Design document reviewing for respective technology area.
10. Governance development activities, documents, codes for conformality to predefined best practices.
11. ASP.NET, C#, SQL, Oracel, RTI, Active Directory, Hudson, Subversion

Salary: 40k~100k (13 months fixed)

Aqua Lin 林小姐收

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