本訊息有效時間:2014-07-14 到 2014-08-15
職務類別 | 行動應用程式設計師 |
職務名稱(薪資) | Android 程式設計師 (薪資&年薪可到:40000~... |
公司名稱 | 博點科技有限公司 |
工作或公司地點 | 台北市信義區光復南路547號11F-1 |
工作內容/職務描述 | 關於博點有限公司 Brightbit Apps
您好, Brightbit Apps是由一群長期旅居矽谷的工程師們回台創辦的軟體開發商, 俱備豐富的矽谷創業經驗外, 所有的客戶皆源自美國當地,因此我們有絕佳的顧客管道。 此外, 我們樂於挑戰傳統思維, 專注於創造卓越的使用者體驗, 扁平的組織結構及開放創新的思維將提供你最好的舞台發揮才能。 我們在尋找出色的 Android 程式設計師 成為我們的一員, 們一起將這份熱情及對產品的堅持傳遞給顧客及夥伴。 你需要做什麼?
About Brightbit AppsAt brightbit apps, we take enormous pride in the product experiences we deliver to both customers and our clients partners. We build amazing products by questioning the standard way of doing things. We are looking for an outstanding Android Developer who shares our passion for beautiful, practical products that earn rave reviews from our peers and our customers.
WHAT YOU'LL DO• Work with fellow developers and designers to bring app ideas to life. Your expertise is necessary not just during development but during the entire app creation process.• Develop industry leading user experiences on Android. • Architect great software with relatively few bugs. • Keep up with the trends and innovation in Android and mobile as a whole WHAT WE'RE LOOKING FOR IN YOU• Excellent knowledge of Android SDK, Java, and commonly used 3rd party libraries.• At least one published app in the Google Play Store that demonstrates great usability and your understanding of the challenges surrounding creating mobile user experiences. • Independent and product-focused. We expect our developers to also define big portions of the products they build. • A team player - defend your ideas but also respect others’ opinions. An ability to collaborate with other talented individuals to come up with the best product possible. WHAT YOU'LL GET FROM US• True startup experience — no bureaucracy and the freedom to make a ton of tough decisions that have a real impact on the business.• A chance to work in a Silicon Valley startup atmosphere. • Camaraderie of an amazing team that is working tirelessly to become the next great mobile dev studio. • Great office location in Xin Yi District - 5 to 8 mins walking distance from MRT with a uBike station nearby. • Sweet perks - Macbook air (company owns them), monitor, food, all the coffee you want. |
應徵資訊 |
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本訊息有效時間:2014-07-14 到 2014-08-15