本訊息有效時間:2014-04-03 到 2014-07-02
職務類別 | 社群媒體行銷/網路行銷 |
職務名稱 | 歐美雲端商務研究分析實習生(學生實習) |
公司名稱 | BQooL Inc. |
網址/網站 | BQooL Inc.網址/網站 |
工作或公司地點 | 台北市內湖區(西湖捷運站旁) |
工作內容/職務描述 | 英文文獻蒐尋、整理、撰寫
Are you simply looking for experience? This a great opportunity for you to experience multiple facets of a developing business. Join as an intern with the possibility of a potential hire. Get an inside view of what makes software companies tick. Some of the tasks you will accomplish: -Manage communication strategies -Proof publications -Conduct administrative tasks within the sales management team -Manage social media -Work with the support team to create a knowledge base *We will provide on-the-job training* Conditions: 對美洲雲端商務有興趣者 具英文閱讀能力、資料整理能力 工作態度主動、 認真、負責、具團隊合作精神 Required -Fluent in English, particularly reading and writing (native English preferred) -Willing to be trained Not required -Previous marketing, sales, customer support, or any business related experience a plus -Knowledge of ecommerce a plus |
應徵資訊 |
please email to [email protected] |
本訊息有效時間:2014-04-03 到 2014-07-02